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Cancellation Policy

(For complete rules, visit our Terms & Conditions page)

  • If you choose the 30-Day free trial, then this trial period is a completely free. If you cancel before the end of the 30-day free trial period, you will be charged nothing. If you do not cancel before the end of the 30-day period, your account becomes a “Getting Started” membership and your credit card will immediately be charged your monthly fee per month until cancellation.
  • Paid accounts must cancel before their renewal date (30 days from date of signup) to avoid future charges.
  • There are no refunds after a charge has been made.
  • You may cancel or upgrade your membership package at any time by logging-in to your account. There are no refunds for unused days.
  • You cannot cancel your account by phone. We do not allow our agents to cancel accounts over the phone or ask you for your password. This is for your security.
  • If you would like to continue using your Instant Restaurant Websites (IRW) and activate all of its benefits, you can change your trial period into a full membership at any time, or simply do nothing, and your account will automatically turn into a month-to-month membership at the end of the trial.

NOTE: Charges will appear on your credit card statement as either Webtacular, LLC or Instant Restaurant Websites (IRW).

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